Hi Everyone,
I could not let this day go by without acknowledging our heroes. A prayer for all those souls lost defending our freedom I will say tonight. I look up to the sky and say a special thank you to my Father. He served in the Korean War. He also got a Purple Heart. When we divided up his things after he passed I took his dog tags, and I still have them today. Thanks for visiting my blog today, Take Care and God Bless all of you who have a Veteran or lost a Veteran in your life,
I could not let this day go by without acknowledging our heroes. A prayer for all those souls lost defending our freedom I will say tonight. I look up to the sky and say a special thank you to my Father. He served in the Korean War. He also got a Purple Heart. When we divided up his things after he passed I took his dog tags, and I still have them today. Thanks for visiting my blog today, Take Care and God Bless all of you who have a Veteran or lost a Veteran in your life,
Janet :)
It means a lot. We had our 'Remembrance Day' two Sundays ago. It was very moving, watching the service from London on TV - all the old soldiers to whom we owe so much.
ps: Thank you for visiting my artificial intelligence robot...I will update it's knowledge of women's baseball this week (I'll drop you a line when all the information is inputted) :)