
Spanky Time

Hi Everyone, I hope your all doing well, Today I begin 26 weeks of what the Court calls Aftercare at Highpoints Outpatient Program! Which is really 26 weeks of hopping on a bus for Plymouth Center, about 8 weeks of walking in the slushy sidewalks, while I enjoy a nice cold breeze from the waterfront, sitting in a class for an hour and a half hearing the same ol, same ol, that I have already heard many, many times before! I know I deserve it, its all my fault, Yada, Yada, Yada, but at the same time how much punishment does one need? I get it already, I do! My life has already turned into the movie Groundhog Day! I just live in this house liked a trapped rat with no license and I still have 6 months to go of it, Urrrgh! But Thank God Pete's good enough to roll down the window in the car for me when we go out so I can hang my head out like a dog! Anyway, I just needed to find some humor, where there really is none, so I don't go completely insane. And on the bright side I do have something to do once a week Ya! So here's to Spanky Time for me and any of you who deserve it too LOL! Thanks for reading my vent! Enjoy :)
Thanks for visiting my blog,
Love ya,
Janet :)


  1. Thank God for our men! Hope the class goes by quickly.

  2. Your blog is a treat for eyes.

  3. Thanks Pink, I know our men can be such a great support, every time I'm feeling down, he just does things like that and makes me laugh and instantly I feel better, ya hopefully for once when I want time to fly it will! Hope all is well with you,
    Take Care,
    Janet :)

  4. Thank you Ibne, your comment is so sweet, I really appreciate your kind words, Hope you visit often,
    Take Care,
    Janet :)
