
Loyal Award

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well, I am doing good. Today I am so happy to post this award given to me from two of my dearest friends Kat at http://candlesandcrafts.blogspot.com/ and Bing at http://pinklady-bing.blogspot.com/. You two have been such an inspiration to me since I have met you and I want you to know how much you have helped me to heal during the past year. I am so glad our paths have crossed I would have sent this to you both if I got it first. So thanks again. I am truly touched.

Ok, the rules of this award are:
1. Copy the loyal picture above
2. Pass it to you think who is/are deserving.
3. Leave a message to them
4. Pass as many as you want.
5. Message back or leave a comment to the owner.

There are so many of you out there that are loyal
and inspire me so I will just start off with these. If
I missed one of you please feel free to pick up the award.
So here goes,

If you do not except awards on your blog that is ok too,
I just wanted to let you know how appreciative I am to
have met you and that I consider you a loyal friend.
Thanks for visiting my blog today,
Take Care,
Janet :)


  1. Thank you for the award, Janet! I really appreciate it. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend:)

  2. Thanks Janet! I don't know if you know that I am not only Jane Doe, but also Raven from Stuperhero Extraordinaire. I can't recall if I told you or not. I have too many alter egos and I have no idea who knows them all! But I will gratefully post this award on my blogs, we all thank you!

    Have a wonderful day.

    Jane aka Raven

  3. Hi Janet, just wanted to let you know that I posted on the award you gave me and I also gave you a different award on Stuperhero Extraordinaire. I haven't posted the award you gave me on my other blogs but I'll be doing that soon too.

    Enjoy your award and have a great day!

    Raven aka Jane Doe

  4. Oh sweetie! I just came over for some Sunday night inspiration, and I noticed the award. Thank you my good friend. I am honored and blessed to know you.
