
Back to Spirituality

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all doing well, I am trying to get back to what I started this blog about, Spirituality. I will continue to discuss my family, but I feel that is all I have been doing lately, so I will do my best to write about both that mean so much to me and hopefully you as well!
Spirituality is not, Casually, Thinking about it, Talking about it, Going to church, Taking classes,

Or reading books. Spirituality is, Preparing your,Body and mind, To receive God's Inspiration,
In your thinking, In your speech, And in your actions. The Goal In Life Of Spiritual Enlightenment is To Unite The Conscious Mind With The Soul!

Elsie is still hanging in there although she is uncomfortable. I will be going in tomorrow morning to get the latest from her Doctor. I will give you an update tomorrow. Today was a good day, We had a lunch with Christa, Dana and Briana for Pete's birthday. I know I am a typical grandmother but, she is just the most beautiful little girl, her personality is starting to show through and now she is making all sorts of sounds, she is very playful and loves to laugh and smile!! I bought her a good old fashion ball at the supermarket today and she loved it, it seems most toys Christa buys are lights flashing and has many songs and sayings, and though she enjoys them, I want to make sure she knows how to have fun without them. My father in law Larry said, I have never heard that girl cry!! Thanks for visiting my blog,
Take Care,
Janet :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet,

    I send prayers for your mother, Elsie. Sincerely, Randy Peyser
